Steve Hulet
Steve is the Co-Founder and CIO at Fresh. A former Software Engineer at Amazon with over 12 years of web development experience, Steve provides technical, architectural, and engineering oversight to projects. Steve is responsible for all technology reviews related to websites. His specialities include programming languages such as C, C++, Java, Python, and PHP, and technology software including Eclipse, GLPK, jQuery, Linux, and MATLAB. Steve’s skills include automation, databases, linear programming, optimization, and testing, all of which he uses in conjunction with Fresh’s digital strategists provide innovative solutions to clients.
Expertise, Software
The Definition of Done
In development, we often split tasks up into smaller pieces and distribute them among multiple developers. We need to eventually bring this work back together, and this is easier when everyone agrees on what “done” means. The definition of “done” is important in Scrum for calculating velocity – “a measure of the amount of work
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Expertise, Software
git push vs. FTP
Building a website is great, but a website doesn’t do any good if no one can see it! Without deployments, you may be able to see your website, but no one else will. In order to be useful, every code change must be deployed, usually to multiple servers, as part of the development and release
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Mobile App Development, Software, Technology Architecture, Web App Development, Website Development
Workflows Comparison: Git Flow Vs GitHub Flow
One of our development principles is that everything we do should be Repeatable and Reviewable. The tool we use to accomplish this is the Git version control system. Git provides repeatability and reviewability, but it still allows the user to establish what their workflow looks like. Git Flow: A Comprehensive Approach to Version Control One
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Expertise, Software, Website Development
10 Tools to Check Your Website Health
Your website might be designed well. But does it work well from a technical standpoint? Luckily enough, there are tools that can show you if what you are doing is right or wrong. Fresh developers use these tools and we recommend that other people use them also. The results are easy to interpret. The tools give you
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Website Development
CDN Proxying Third-Party Scripts To Improve Website Performance
Third-party scripts slowing you down? Speed things up by using a CDN proxy! As we recently worked to optimize a client site, Google PageSpeed Insights had a number of suggestions for us, including “Leverage browser caching” and “Enable compression“. The only problem? These suggestions were triggered by a third-party javascript file that was important to
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Website Development
Speed Up Your Site Using a CDN
Setting up a CDN may be easier than you think! I had heard the recommendation to use a CDN, or Content Delivery Network, for some time but always thought CDNs were difficult to set up, expensive, and generally only available to large companies. When I finally got around to setting up a site to use
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