How a simple question on Quora turned into a new Google Chrome Extension… for me!
One of the best tools I’ve found to manage my growing Twitter following is ManageFlitter. If you’re a big Twitter fan, like myself, and have not given this tool a try, then you are really missing out. It’s a great way to manage Twitter followers/followings in bulk. (*see word of caution below)
What made ManageFlitter even more powerful, easy-to-use and simple was a FireFox Add-On that would bulk-select all the check-boxes on a website. Without the add-on I would have to click each box separately. Grrrr.
Everything worked just fine until FireFox updated to 4.0 (and now it’s at version 5.x) and the developers didn’t update the add-on. Grrrr again! Now ManageFlitter was too time-consuming to use 🙁
Enter Quora!, another new social engagement tool to connect legitimate people with legitimate knowledge. I posted this question on – One of the Add-Ons for Firefox was a Check-all and it allowed a user to check all the check boxes on a website. Is there one for FF or Chrome?
A gent, Andy Warr, asked a simple question – Out of interest … what is your scenario?
I explained the situation above and what, to my surprise, but a couple days later Andy posted the following – It was an easy extension to write… it just took me a while to get around to doing it.
In response to my query Andy wrote a Google Chrome Extension that would provide the functionality that I missed!
Wow! Why did he do it?
For starters, he’s a developer at Google. But, and this is more relative to the point, he doesn’t claim to be a “social media guru” or any other such terms, yet he engaged and responded to my humble question with a developed solution. This is a perfect example and a case study of the power of social engagement on a great new platform of quality interactions.
I just had to share this small case study as I was, and still am, surprised almost daily at the power of the online medium in making connections and finding answers. Thanks to Andy for helping me realize yet again why we’re in the business of helping companies leverage the best of the web.
*A word of caution on Twitter tools such as Manage Flitter–be careful with any of them as the Twitter Terms of Use have very specific language about what is and what is not allowed. I’ve know a few people that have had their accounts either muted or suspended for violation of the Terms. If you do use these tools, follow the directions as you would for taking over-the-counter meds and you should be fine.